I often think that if I knew then, what I know now, that I would change and be a lot further in life. The real truth is we will never know because when all of the wishing about the past is done, the realization is that we cannot change our past! Yet, maybe by sharing my experiences and the experiences of other women, you and I can gain wisdom and insight. We can glean astuteness and strength from the experiences of other women from various facets of life and become better aunts, friends, co-workers, mothers, wives, business owners, and citizens. We can learn from the Stupidity that we have all experienced and shout to the countless others that are coming behind us to turn and choose another path. We can share with them our heartaches, struggles, insecurities, sufferings and the misfortunes that for the most part were instigated through our lack of knowledge, perception and resistance to guidance for numerous reasons.
We Surveyed women with this question and there answers will shock you!:
Question: The word Stupid is defined as: Selfish, Thoughtless, Un-moldable, Prideful, Ignorant, Dumb. Looking back, what is ONE experience that was the most Stupid Decision that you made. (Explain the experience in detail i.e... How old where you, where did you live, who was in your life, did you know the Lord, did someone try to warn you or help you?). Why was it stupid? What would "the New you of today" say to "the Stupid you of your past."
We Surveyed women with this question and there answers will shock you!:
Question: The word Stupid is defined as: Selfish, Thoughtless, Un-moldable, Prideful, Ignorant, Dumb. Looking back, what is ONE experience that was the most Stupid Decision that you made. (Explain the experience in detail i.e... How old where you, where did you live, who was in your life, did you know the Lord, did someone try to warn you or help you?). Why was it stupid? What would "the New you of today" say to "the Stupid you of your past."